Breaking the Mold: Why B2B Sales Needs a Relationship-First Approach

Victoria Pelletier
3 min readDec 6, 2023

In my 30-year journey through the corporate world, the last 20+ years as an executive primarily in the B2B professional services field, I’ve witnessed an unsettling trend. Many companies, obsessively focused on quarterly results and year-on-year growth, are missing the mark in their sales strategies. As a seasoned executive, often referred to as the “turn around queen,” I’ve seen firsthand the pitfalls of current sales tactics and the immense potential of a relationship-first approach.

The Misguided Sales Playbook

It’s all too common: companies developing extensive sales toolkits, pushing their offerings like door-to-door salespeople, without genuinely understanding customer needs. This product-centric approach, while seemingly efficient, overlooks the essence of effective sales — building real, meaningful client relationships and subsequent solutions to solve for the client need. The irony? Many of these firms also provide consultancy on effective selling but fall short in practicing what they preach.

Consultancy’s Irony

Advising others on successful sales strategies while failing to implement them internally is not just ironic; it’s a massive missed opportunity. This gap between advice and application not only undermines credibility but also highlights a disconnect within the industry. It’s high time we align our internal practices with the expert guidance we offer.

The Unacknowledged Power of Relationships

Throughout my career, I’ve always prioritized understanding customer needs before presenting solutions. This approach has not only been more humane but has also driven long-term success. Genuine relationships foster trust, loyalty, and, ultimately, sustainable business growth. Yet, many companies continue to prioritize in-quarter sales and billable hours over these valuable long-term connections.

Rethinking Incentive Models to Foster Genuine Connections

A critical aspect often overlooked in redefining sales strategies is the incentive model driving them. Incentives are powerful motivators, but when they’re narrowly focused on immediate sales and billable hours, they inadvertently discourage the very behaviour that fosters long-term growth: relationship building. To realign our sales approach, we must revolutionize our incentive structures. This means rewarding not just the immediate financial outcomes of sales and revenue, but also valuing the time and effort invested in cultivating deep, trusting relationships with clients. When sales teams are encouraged and rewarded for building genuine connections, understanding client needs, and nurturing long-term partnerships, we create a business environment that thrives on mutual success and sustainable growth. As a leader who has spearheaded change in numerous organizations, I’ve seen the transformative impact of aligning incentives with a holistic, relationship-centric sales philosophy. It’s a shift that demands courage and commitment but one that reaps immeasurable rewards in the long run.

A Call for Leadership and Change

As someone who has led and scaled businesses, and long since led commercial teams, I firmly believe in the power of relationship-based sales. This conviction has sometimes led me to part ways with organizations that didn’t share these values. But the quest continues. I am on the lookout for my next role, eager to apply and advocate for these principles in a company committed to authentic, long-term client partnerships.

As leaders, it’s our responsibility to reevaluate our sales strategies. Are we playing the short game, focusing on immediate gains at the expense of lasting relationships? Or are we cultivating a culture of genuine engagement with our clients, understanding their needs, and building partnerships based on trust and mutual benefit?

The Road Ahead

As I continue my professional journey, my commitment to relationship-based sales remains unwavering. I invite fellow leaders, sales professionals, and industry thinkers to join this conversation. Let’s share experiences, challenge the status quo, and reimagine the future of B2B sales together.

Your thoughts and experiences are invaluable. Let’s discuss and drive meaningful change in the comments below.

Originally published at



Victoria Pelletier

Senior Executive | Speaker | Author | Passionate Diversity & Inclusion Leader | Forbes Council Member | Networking Champion | Board Director